Patch Notes
February 25, 2024 - Pre-New Haven Patch Notes
=== New Stuff ===
Deep Swamp Biome
- Nasty, dense wetland featuring cypress trees and murky waters.
- Features Bog Iron boulders, a highly primitive iron ore.
Pine Forest Biome
- Dense coniferous biome introducing its namesake, the pine tree.
- Verdant and heavy with mossy boulders and mossy logs with new flora, fauna, and fungi.
Wilderness Smelter
- Early game iron smelter. Find and smelt "bog iron" ore to craft less effective iron bar to help pilgrims manage until digging a mine.
- Smelts 4 pieces of bog iron ore at a time. Upon completion, break apart to receive 1-2 bars!
- This smelter and its use is intended to replace or provide early-game iron and nails to rebalance the server and remove early-game silver from the play loop.
-- As such, iron, nails, and iron tools are no longer purchaseable from the NPC vendors in town.
- Players may now capture and raise domestic horses, which can answer to a pilgrim's summon or dismissal.
--- Horses can be summoned/dismissed with a special "Horse Whistle."
--- Horses can be told to Stay and will do so, lasting 1-6 hours at their location based on their temperament at the time of the command.
--- Horse rearing begins with finding a breaking a Wild Horse. To do this, using a rope, secure a wild horse in your base. You can then use a Wild Whip to encourage the horse toward domestication.
--- Wild horses in the process of being domesticated do not need to eat like domestic horses, cannot breed, and will persist (unlike other wild animals) as long as they have been trained recently with the whip.
- Two new varmints, each more adorable than the last, throughout all of the biomes.
- Geese have flocked to the New World and are rather tasty.
- New snake variant, the Cottonmouth. Found in wetter biomes, packs more of a punch and can swim.
- Players can now plant hedges on their Makeshift Fences. Hedge seeds can be found stashed in the world.
- Players can now build cellar entrances in their homes!
--- Basement size scales to the size of the home
--- Applies to most house worlds, excluding the Pilgrim's Hovel due to how small it is
Costume System
- The character equipory now includes buttons on the bottom to shw "Equipment" and "Costume"
-- Equipment is the standard equipped inventory screen, unchanged.
-- Costume is a limited new equipped inventory that allows you to equip special costume items to overlay existing equipped items.
=== Changes / Updates ===
*** Gluttony Overhaul:
- Upon entering "Gluttony Mode", a player may gobble any 10 items from any/each foodgroup during the session. Foods no longer lower a foodgroup's effectiveness/efficiency. There are no longer "restore" foods.
- All food values have been balanced/rebalanced, including FF timers. Many foods have been removed and some new ones added. Many recipes have been changed.
- Poultry foodgroup has been completely revamped.
- The Feasting Artifact category now increases the total amount of items per foodgroup you can gobble up to a max of 14.
- Eggs, Peppers, and Garlic provide additional, albeit smaller, variability and have been adjusted to correspond to various humors.
***Cash Shop Overhaul:
- I've spoken on this in detail on the Discord but, to recap:
-- The cash shop is now accessed solely from the client and features a UI checkout system to purchase goods using real-world currency.
-- Removed most offerings from the cash shop, other than silver and costumes
-- Costumes, items that can be equipped in costume slots, are now bound to the character account and can be resummoned at the mailman by any character of an account
-- Userbound items are not currently tradeable or transferable
-- The overhaul is the beginning and will continue to be added to as time moves on.
Horsing Around:
- Wild horses. Stats follow the existing livestock system. Productivity increases the riding speed of the horse.
- Horses run the risk of falling ill to Mad Cow Disease (named to avoid confusion) and have their own suppository.
- Players can craft a horse whistle.
- Right click a horse whistle onto a Stallion or Mare. This will attune the whistle to the horse, making it a steed.
- A horse can only be attuned to ONE whistle in its life. A whistle can only be linked to one horse. Losing the whistle bricks the steed.
- A steed can be summoned into the wilderness from wherever it is in the world by right clicking an attuned horse whistle and selecting summon.
-- You must leave enough space for the horse to be summoned - find a clearing, away from walls and objects.
- A steed can be dismissed back to the point from whence it was last summoned.
-- Again, it needs space to walk away.
- Both summoning and dismissing requires time based on skills the players possesses. In addition, there is a cooldown timer of one hour between summons and dismissals.
*** Inheritance:
- Players now inherit with 30% of the humors AND skills of their direct ancestor.
- To further regain both humors and skillls, players can speak with Pastor Paul in the Town Church, who every day generates a quest to bring items affiliated with the day's sermons to his humble mass.
- Bring Pastor Paul his required items in a timely manner, and you gain roughly 3% of the remaining difference between the descendent and the ancestor.
- Particularly strong ancestors require more items to satisfy Pastor Paul's requirements.
- After completing Pastor Paul's requests roughly 25 times, descendents will be made (mostly) whole to the value of their ancestors.
Item Bloat Reduction
- Maximum inventory size has been reduced from 1024 to 200.
- Various recipes have been reduced in terms of qty of items required (not including certain buildings) to adjust. Reducing bloat will be an ongoing project.
PVP Changes
- *** Theft is no longer a summonable crime
- *** Removed TbC
- *** Mortars no longer deal damage to TbF.
- *** TbF has had its area doubled. It now stretches forward AND backwards, for a total of 1000 (side to side) x 2000 (forward and backward) tiles.
- *** TbF cost increases per hour after 3 days of being up at a rate of += 2 silver per hour.
- *** TbF can no longer be destroyed by hand. Instead, the Trial pole now starts as being lit by fire. Dousing it causes it to take damage every 1 hour until destroyed (12 hours) or relit.
Relighting does not restore damage dealt.
- *** Players can no longer use compost bins, hay stacks, drying frames, whittlers benches, mannequins, or sawbucks as ammo in a mortar.
- *** Revenge scents now last 3 days (down from 7).
- *** Cost to steal an object off a claim increased to 200 YB and BB (up from 75 and 25, respectively).
- *** Cost to commit vandalism increased to 50 BB (up from 25).
- *** Soak added to chests, cupboards, and sheds.
- *** Trespassing no longer increases the alertness of braziers/torchposts.
- Increased the Black Bile cost of committing vandalism
- Removed blow darts and tubes.
- Players can no longer salvage catapults.
- Increased soak on mortars to roughly 100 phlegm to destroy.
- Decreased cost to build mortar.
- No more mortar multishot (bugfix)
- Obsidian and Little Lime boulders now deal way more on impact when launched from a catapult, rubble now deals way less.
- Reduced concussion debuff on successful hit by boulders from a catapult to 80% of previous value. Added ensnare debuff.
- The space required to build Torchposts has been increased.
- Increased size of baby brazier hit box.
- Increased cost of baby brazier to 5 pig iron bars (up from 2).
- Added new Combat Move - Psych Up. Trades Blood for Black Bile.
- Defensive towers (braziers, tps, etc) now deal themselves damage on a critical hit.
Misc Animal Stuff
- Removed motherbats
- Removed giant crickets
- Crows are killable and eatable.
- Domesticated Animals now have a chance to drop infected brains when sick.
- Renamed rattler meats to snake meats.
- Squirrels now drop varmint meat, as do other varmints, which emphasizes Yellow Bile when used in variable recipes.
- Female goats no longer lose their skin just because they die.
Misc Skill Stuff
- Removed Debasement
Misc Building Stuff
- Makeshift fences no longer splash.
- Adjusted recipe for mortar item.
- Changed sawbuck recipe
- Containers can no longer be locked (other than the metal chest)
- Added new building - stone tower
Misc Client Stuff
- The button that used to take you to the web-based java tutorial now takes you to the Wiki instead.
Misc Crafting Stuff
- *** Changed locks, and keys to change from iron to stone in crafting.
- Coonskin cap requires coon tail, increased slots from 2 to 3.
- Changed certain recipes to require "Any Iron"
- Players can now use teasels on clothing with any level of difficulty, not just 25.
- Adjusted ingredients for Wind Chime inspirational.
Misc Stuff Stuff
- *** Players no longer lose Inspiration when KOing.
- *** Pots now give out a max +8 bonus (down from infinite)
- *** Increased range that evidence can be gathered, changed animation
- *** Tiny pocket watches have been reverted to curiosities. Neither they nor their expedition counterparts increase speed.
- *** Players can no longer dry bat wings
- ***Bloodmoon no longer permakills a player who KO's beneath its evil red light.
- *** Clubbing's stun removed. Increased attack speed.
- Logging in while sleeping in a bed that has been claimed by an unfriendly claim now properly gives a warning upon logging in.
- Wild Onions and Wild Carrots now spawn as herbs.
- Updated clue model
- Changed standard opaque swamp tiles to be more solid, while their wet variants cause the player to wade. Changed which level of wetness spawns what herbs.
- Added clams, a shellfish that can be found in freshwater.
- Players can once again carry things and stuff while mounted
- Players can no longer uproot thorn bushes.
- SFX added to staircases
- Players are no longer obstructed by the Exit of mines
- Players can now pave over existing pavement (no longer need to dig it up). Removed phlegm cost from digging and reduced the dig time.
- Hay is now stockable and has had its dropres updated
- Woodblocks are now stockable
- Players can now craft tackleboxes
- Female characters now have a more ladylike tenor whilst screaming at the time of their death
- Players can now craft the flags of Korea and Wales
- Reduced insanity hit players expderience when butchering without a knife.
- Steeply reduced insanity upon seeing Hangman event, moved balance to hit when looting.
- Restored spookyredcaps to generating more than just 1 shroom upon harvest.
- Removed purgatives, for now, until I'm quite sure gluttony is balanced enough to tinker further.
- Rubble no longer counts as any stone
- Nerfed raided wagon map event - decreased barrel content volume
- Travel to Providence is now Travel to Colony Capitol
- Fixed bookshelves from being ugly
- Added wineracks
- Changed various NPCs and their offerings
Misc Bugfixes
- Fixed carryover info bug from carnberry sauce, added a return of items that can't be consumed from consuming foods
- Bugfix where bodies of fallen players who died while wading in shallow water were uninteractable. Now both shallow and deep water have unique KO/dead animations.'
- Players may need to clear/delete their cache folder in USER/.salem/ for certain HUD elements to appear properly.
December 2, 2023 - Public Dev Stream
June 28, 2023 - Water Convervation Efforts
- Players can now draw water directly from freshwater tiles while carrying a barrel overhead!!! Max initial draw is 100L.
- Players can now transfer substances from one object to another while holding the object.
- Removed the restriction on being unable to lift filled Big Barrels. Go nuts, kids.
- Herb Pots now use 20mL of water per harvest, down from 100mL, but still hold 100mL.
- Easter eggs have once more been disabled. Easter is dead, long live Easter!
- Substances can once more be messed with whilst inside trade containers in Providence
- Tripled the value of corn husks used on hay stacks
- Characters now sink a bit into shallow water and swamps. This is in preparation for other things, but in the meantime, enjoy wading.
- Fixed the bugged starfish spawning. If you have buggy starfish, toss or keep them, but they are functionally useless :)
April 16, 2023 - Friendship FUNdamentals
- Made salvage considered vandalism for the purpose of Town Claims.
- Added permission options to Town Claims for Building, Theft, and Vandalism. Now go live together.
- Redefined the criminality of a host of activities, see below under Small Changes for a full list.
- Made substance transfers a criminal offense (salting fields, adding/taking water from a barrel, etc)
- Significantly reduced proficiency costs required to learn Potato Growing, Maize Planting, and Tobacco Planting.
- Changed Timber Pile drying time from 5.5 days to 3 days
- Adjusted Timber Piles to cascade into moldiness with less severity
- Adjusted hookah timer to 1 puff per 20 hours (was 23 hours)
- Adjusted pay respects timer so that you can pay respects with a flower at a grave once per 10 hours (was 24 hours)
- Vanilla client users can now toggle the Flatness Tool with Ctrl+L much like their Custom Client cousins.
- If a player does not have theft permissions on a claim, the player can't pull a sled/cart onto the claim (from Ideas channel, does not [yet] apply to boats as there has been contention of whether this would be good).
- Adjusted a timer of a certain whiffing mechanic in a certain room in a certain Mason Lodge to 20 hours (from 24 hours).
- Reduced reed value to compost bins from 1.5 to 0.3
- Players can no longer salvage claimstones, borderstones, crosses of st. george, or leantos [done during a bugfix between this and last patch]
- Made the following theft instead of vandalism:
-- Tree Chopping
-- Tree Planting
-- Bush Lifting
-- Bush Planting
-- Woodblock Chopping
-- Field Tending (with a hoe)
-- Field Tilling
-- Bellows Tending
-- Flag Hanging
-- Flag Gathering
-- Clay Digging
-- Human Sausage Making
-- Melting Pot Emptying
-- Putting Corpse into Coffin
-- Burying Coffin
-- Paving with a Lilypad
-- Branding Livestock
-- Putting a Fish in a Fish Bowl
- Made the following trespassing instead of vandalism
-- Writing on a sign
-- Paying respects at a grave
- Made the following vandalism instead of theft
-- Desecrating a body
- Made the following theft instead of trespassing
-- Cask opening
-- Cask sealing/unsealing
-- Fruit picking
- Fixed bug involving ballocks withdrawals and infinite stuns.
- Upated dropres for coal, trailmix
- Updated icon for dead wild turkey
- Updated icons for crunchy rabbit and garlic rabbit so they look less similar
- Increased size of bark cup model, updated texture
- Revised tree-picking animation so character feet no longer leave the ground
- Moved Nine Man's Morris and Decorative Woodcarving to Carpentry
- Revised Filet on the Rocks recipe to cost 1 Granite and 1 Gneiss
- Reduced affluence required to enter The Den to 200 (from 201).
- Fixed gembox so it shows full when full.
- Fish in the Reeds and Peppertuna both require fire in order to cook
- Changed recipe for Simple Table and Simple Chair
- Added "Pack" to Big Autumn Pack window.
- Made some adjustments to cravings table.
- Fixed the font on Trade Orders to be kinder to the eyes.
- Hickory nut again(?) has a dropres.
- Changed recipe for Buddies on a Branch
- Wicker and Reed Baskets now sound more like wicker and reed baskets when opening them
- Meat shreds harvested from rabbits and marchhares now retain the rabbit meat buff.
January 20, 2023 - The Nitty Gritty
- Cricket Teams can once more be sold on the stalls in town (may change in the future so you can't sell last use after studying the first four, but for now, it is what it is). [suggested multiple times over the years, but most recently requested by RifRaf on the ideas channel of the discord]
- By what seems to be popular demand, players can no longer log out with a concussion. Let's see how this plays out.
- New dropres models for Arcane Amethyst [per request on discord] and Pectin Prison
- Male and female goats now drop skeletons.
- Livestock no longer drop any meat/lard when sick (this was always in the code, but never properly implemented like the Beaver lard bug). Should clarify things for those of you who find your livestock have died but aren't sure why.
- Spruce cones that spawn on the ground in the coniferous biome look like cones instead of saplings
- Made the Bloodmoon season a bit less frequent.
- Changed fruiting bush replenish timer - bushes will now replenish between 23 hours and 2.5 days (does not include thornbush).
- Changed tree replenish method to be timed like bushes, to match the above (does not include fruit trees).
- Stones now repair churches at a rate of 10 hp/stone rather than 1 hp/stone.
- Updated Turkscap and Trout Lily models (thus completing the flower rework! yay!)
- Fixed typo when trying to repair shroom furniture.
- Adjusted weight of sharpened stick.
- Geode, bloodshard, and arcane amethyst now go into gem box [can't find where but this was definitely requested, probably by Heff]
- If a player logs out with an item on the cursor, the item is sent to their inventory instead. If their inventory is full, the item is dropped on the ground.
- Characters who wake up from a bed that's been claimed now get a warning when logging in, allowing them to port to their homestead at the loss of their inventory.
- Updated concussion buff description.
- Mannequins no longer retain a graphical bug when used while wearing a Founders Sash (update also will allow for other such objects to be properly ignored, so get ready for updated/restored graphics to pirate sash and the other lost belts!)
- Douglas the violin player in town has reverted to less festive music.
December 30, 2022 - Roadmap Announcement

December 12, 2022 - Topped with a Star
- Added a new Inspirational - the Wayward Starfish! They can be found on beaches or mermaid purses. Study if you want, but the nice thing to do would be to toss them back (and gain a healthy bit of sanity).
- Added clothing item - Star Bikini
- Added a new class of objects - Rugs! Right click it in your inventory to see the blueprint go down, left click where you'd like it to go. Right click to roll it back up into your inventory. And yes, you can put them under things. Rugs can be placed indoors or outdoors (will decay outdoors). Salvaging a rug will destroy it. (Right now they can be placed "inside" walls a little bit. I limited where I could, but if you guys think it is too immersion breaking or looks very, very bad, let me know)
- Added a new rug - Bearskin Rug
- Added a new wallpaper - Sobrius
- The holiday spirit has come to the New World yet again. Grateful for all your help in repairing his sled in the past, Santa has sent all players who have logged in during the past month a Holiday Tree! Here are the deets on trees, lest tragedy strikes like last year:
- Holiday Trees will decay offclaim. Can be placed inside/outside. Can be lifted and moved inside/outside. Can be decorated as you see fit (no bearing on gifts), but you can't remove decorations once they've been placed. Reference image to see what the tree might accept as decorations. On Christmas eve, assuming you haven't been naughty, Santa will deliver gifts beneath the tree. For those of you who live in towns, trees spawn gifts per player. The tree won't remember who built it, but rather will spawn when a character sees it after Santa has visited it (and each player can only do this once). So, each player in town will want their own tree up and will want to check their tree on Christmas. Trees set up after Christmas will not be visited by Santa.
revised for clarity - a tree will spawn gifts once when seen by a player after midnight of December 24th. Once a player has seen a tree spawn gifts, the player (account) will not be able to spawn future gifts from other trees. Once a tree has spawned gifts, a tree will not spawn future gifts
- Mystery Sweater Box added to His Majesty's Stall - festive holiday sweaters for IOUs!
- Douglas the violin player in town has learned a new tune for the holidays. I will try to make sure the song is removed before taking a 3 year hiatus from development. *badum, tsss*
- Wishpooshes now drop skeletons
- Beavers no longer (probably) drop lards during seasons that aren't Coldsnap
- All pinecones in Providence have now become spruce cones! Spruce cones act just like pinecones did, except you need to plant a whole cone to get a new tree. May adjust in the future. Pinecones will make a return - in time.
- Players can no longer lift objects out of sleds/carts on shore while mounted on a canoe.
- Players can no longer open kilns and similar objects while mounted (done to fix the notorious kiln/urn/herbpot stuck on cursor bug)
- Players can no longer pull sleds/carts while mounted.
- Updated models for Spring Beauty and Shooting Star flowers, Strawman, Acorn Indian, and Adventurer's Trailmix.
- Gave a model to Founding Father's Sash and added a tooltip describing its function.
- Adjusted display requirement for food in a food trough to be greater than the largest bite an animal may need to take.
- Changed the font of paper and books for legibility.
- Adjusted the ui size and buttons for paper and books.
- Coat bottoms (and a few other wearables, basically everything with a skirt) are no longer see-through when seen from within.
- Reduced possible mortar range to be limited by maximum default map render range.
- Fixed wallpaper animation
- Adjusted alchemy of marrowdumplings.
October 23, 2022 - Good Bones
- March Hares, Cougars, and Male Pigs now rot into skeletons.
- Animal skeletons now have a chance to drop Cracked Bones rarely while deboning.
- (Most) Bones can be put into a fireplace to be converted into Bone Ash, a handy fertilizer.
- Added a festive new backpack - the Pumpkin Pack
- Mr. Bones has returned for a limited time to celebrate the last harvest of the season. You can find him in town. He will be leaving a week or so after Halloween. Players have until then to finish his quest(s).
- Updated studded chap pant varieties to better match jacket coloring.
- Animal Skeletons no longer squelch when being deboned, they now rattle
- Animal Skeletons no longer drop Stringy Sinew.
- Marrow Dumplings now take Any Bone
- Mostly fixed a bug involving wrapping paper
- Increased Fine Leather Backpack inventory from 24 to 28
- For the helpful among you, added a new bug finder item - Bugpack! This will be given out similar to the bughat.
October 2, 2022 - Rotting and Hopping
- Added a new Kritter - Toads (scientifically posited to be the same as Frogs, but we make our own science here.)
- Added two new food recipes - Turtoadit and Toad in the Hole
- Added a host of items one might find when dissecting a toad or a frog (happy hunting).
- Added some new craftable capes: Frog, Lambskin, and Fine Hide Capes.
- Added a new mask: Frog Mask.
- Raw Suckling pigs now take the Aether value of the knife used while butchering.
- Beavers, Deers, and Bears now drop a skeleton after being Butchered (or having their meat rot away). Skeletons can be harvested for bone and themselves rot after two days.
- Updated model for Mayapple and Lady's Slipper to be larger and more similar to other forageables. Adjusted Red Trillium texture to more closely match the flower and icon.
- Deer now drop Deer Skull, from which you can harvest antlers. Deer skulls can be hung upon walls.
- Pumpkins of all sorts may now be added to stockbins.
- Added a new wine that pairs nicely with the Cabbages & Kale foodgroup: Cabbarnet Saurvignon. Thank you to Taipion for bringing its absence to my attention.
- As referenced, butcherable animals both wild and domestic now decay. A day after death, they will lose their pelt. Two days later, their meat, leaving only the bones.
- At the moment, completing a butcher stage (ie. removing the skin, butchering all/any of the meat) does NOT reset the rot timer, which will move on to the next stage at its original set time or, if occuring on a skeleton, will destroy the animal.
- Also, the bone phase currently makes the same sloppy geriatric fornication sound as the rest of butchery, also drops stringy sinew. These are known bugs that will be addressed in the future.
- Fixed a bug that allowed for infinite ammunition in towers (special thanks to those who found and reported this)
- Adjusted typos in Zweidelt recipe
- Added words to toes and tongues
- Overhauled how pigs drop lard based on productivity. Now comes from butchering and scales with productivity level of adult pigs.
- Pulling apart deer skull now requires boneworks skill
- Gembox now holds 100 gems
- Stockbins now hold 400 pumpkins
- Made it so amphibious capes remember their maker and difficulty
- Increased spawn rate of toads slightly
July 23, 2022 - Free-Range Living
- Livestock no longer have destructive fits when their Temperment is too high.
- Livestock no longer have a greater chance of getting sick outside just because it is a Coldsnap season.
- Livestock are (/should be, let me know if you find otherwise) only willing to breed outside during an Everbloom season. Baby juice still teleports, for now, so castrate and separate as needed.
- Livestock Pedigree UI has been adjusted so that high = good in all attributes. "Ornery" is now known as "Tranquility" and "Vulnerability" is now known as "Immunity". "Metabolism" is still called "Metabolism" if/until I can think of something better. There have also been minor adjustments to how these stats function as a result of having new equations, but by-and-large should ROUGHLY work the same. However, mostly as a refresher, here's how everything goes:
*Tranquility - determines initial Temperament (Temperament is UNCHANGED! 0 Temperament = Good, 100 Temperament = Bad)
- makes "happy" events (treats, mating, etc) more effective at adjusting Temperament (higher = more happy)
- makes "angry" events (witnessing death, castration, etc) less effective at adjusting Temperaments (higher = less angry)
*Immunity - determines whether or not an animal gets sick (higher = lower chance)
- determines whether or not a sick animal dies as a result of its sickness (higher = lower chance)
*Metabolism - determines how much food a creature eats (higher = less food)
- determines how often a creature tries to eat (higher = less often)
*Size - determines how much meat players can butcher from a creature (higher = more meats)
*Productivity - determines how much industry-related items you can source from a creature (higher = more products)
*Longevity - determines how long it will take for the creature to die naturally of "old age" (high = longer lived)
- Because players don't breed for Temperament, I'm inclined to leave it as is (low good, high bad) since it's not a bar/static value but something that changes over time. Let me know if this enrages you. Size, Productivity, and Longevity are unchanged with this patch.
- Existing livestock will likely have the first three attributes inversed in terms of usefulness. Apologies to the pedigrees that are nerf'd as a result of this change.
- Added new skill: Advanced Husbandry.
- Players can now Shoo! animals. Simply right-click on a healthy, living domesticated animal and shoo it out of your way.
- Players can now add silk to stockbins.
- Updated model for Flame Azalea and Iris Prismatica to be larger and more similar to other forageables.
- Buffed Slow Roast
- New item - Corn Slurry - useful and efficient to throw into livestock food troughs.
- Adjusted recipe for curry and scary stroganoff
- Winners of the Summer Cookout contest will receive their prizes by mail. The winning new food has been added to the game (though who would want to bother with trying to make such a thing, I can only imagine).
- Characters now require the Dairy Maid skill to milk domesticated animals.
- Nerf'd Spooky Redcaps
April 3, 2022 - Bricks and Baubles
- Changed Brick of Fallen Sodom and Gomorrah to Brick of Fallen Sodom. Added Brick of Fallen Gomorrah as a separate item.
- Added new pavements (and the items used to pave them): Blue Brick (Brick of Fallen Jericho), White Brick (Brick of Fallen Babel), Black Brick (Brick of Fallen Sodom), and Green Brick (Brick of Fallen Gommorah).
- Increased profession value of slotted gems based on the size (carats) of the gem similar (but not identical) to how size effects Affluence.
- Added two new gems: rhodolite and andalusite.
- Added new pavements for each gem in the color that they appear in their icons.
- Because the largest coded icon for gem size was less probable to discover than being struck by lightning, adjusted code so that all sizes above 2.99 carats will feature a "big" gem icon.
- Added new inspirational - Dark Feathers.
- Added new variation of the Chief's Headdress - Crow Headdress.
- Players can now put bones, darkenbones, black sand, and mortar into stockbins.
- Added a new building - Skull Totem
- Added new Skill - Bioluminescent Applications (required to make glowworm stuff and catch the little buggers)
- Added new Skill - Boneworks (required to make bone stuff)
- Doubled rummaging bonus chance functionality.
- Players can no longer salvage mortars or poop claims (Challenge Authority objects).
- Defensive tower crits suck up a little bit more fuel than normal hits.
- Defensive towers no longer refresh awake time just because it shoots an enemy.
- With the help of shotgunmollusk, I standardized the tile order in the world and on the minimap so that they should no longer rearrange themselves upon the server restarting. I'm sure some of them will end up looking worse than before as a result of the change, so feel free to voice your opinion. In the future, new pavements/tiles will be entered into this master system to have a place in the hierarchy we've created.
February 10, 2022 - Heartburn
- Added Discord details to the website as well as a link directing players to it. The majority of the player base has gravitated away from our beloved forums in preference to discord. Hopefully this will direct new players from the website to the discord server to make new friends :)
- Added Daffodils and Peonies. There are two varieties of each and they can be found out in the wilderness and can be planted in herb pots.
- Added ability to destroy/salvage existing stoves so that you can UPGRADE. YOUR. STOVES! Note 1 - salvaging a stove with a stocking will destroy the stocking. Note 2 - You can't hand stockings on new stoves (yet).
- Added a new stove - Stone Stove. Meet the new stove, same as the old stove; this one functions just like the old stove except it now has a nifty smokestack, grate, and slightly modified recipe.
- Added a new stove - Brick Stove. More space for food and fuel. It burns longer so you don't have to!
- Last but not least, through the powers of ancient and elder forces, placing a stove is now "foolproof" though I trust the community will find a way to still be fools. No matter the specific rotation or placement of the stove, if it's roughly facing you and placed roughly on the hearthtiles, it will build properly without exact placement or client-sided hacks.
- (Stove placement was a big ole nasty mechanic since the dawn of Salem, and since I had to recreate the stove to fix it (or thought I did...), I decided to expand on the industry, incase anyone was wondering how/why this jumped up ahead of the roadmap. It all started as a bug fix :) Blame pistolshrimp.
- Adjusted all stove recipe foods (foods that you use the stove but don't put the food into the stove) to now have to be put INTO the stove.
- Buffed gluttony values of Bluebeary, Papricharred Charcuterie, Meatloaf, Windy Pooh, Sauce Chasseur, Cornmash Gobbler, and Aztec Abbatoir.
- Reduced FF timer on Meatloaf to 3 hours.
- Adjusted recipe of Sauce Chasseur
- Added some Vday stuff on His Majesty's stall.
- Removed ability to build the "Simple Stove". All existing Simple Stoves are legacy objects of a bygone era, but will remain otherwise identical to the Stone Stoves.
- Removed the old walking animation and added a new one. I hope it's not too jarring, but if so, I am willing to take another stab at it.
- I realize this isn't really a "taketh away" nerf style thing, but I didn't really nerf anything this time around except for arguably insta-cooking the above recipes, so I feel this will generate tears instead.
- Increased the size of various pieces of player wall art (specifically those from the 2017 art contest).
- Changed verbiage on website for password reset form.
- Fixed references on e-mail responses for forgotten passwords/account restoration to feature Mortal Moments instead of Sea Tribe
- Added words to sourdough starter and winter wickerman.
- Updated icons for Snowball, Marp's Snowball, and Medium Trade Order
- Majestic Acorns and Big Reds can now go into their respectively appropriate sacks (you can also eat/cook with them, should you be inclined).
December 21, 2021 - Tidings of Comfort and Joy
- Soulcakes have been adjusted to suit the ingredients and patience of the modern consumer.
- Players can now craft Furfur Trophies. These can be sold on the stalls.
- Players can now craft a new wallpaper: On the Vine
- Added three new festive items to be found by lucky players come Christmas morning (assuming they hang their stockings and have been nice, of course).
- Coldsnaps (should) no longer cause hypothermia. Merry Christmas. (Snow tiles on the tops of mountains still do though so bundle up when traveling that way!)
- Players can no longer salvage bee skeps.
- Egg baskets now take all sorts of eggs.
- Pink Eastereggs now drop all varieties of candy.
- Bats in mines shouldn't spawn on the player but rather from the tile that was mined.
- Fixed spirit hide capes so they don't make the server crash.
December 2, 2021 - Hunting For Change
- Adjusted bounding boxes of Makeshift Fence segments to make it easier to both harvest grapes and probably walljump. Please report findings.
- Did some behind the scenes Christmas stuff for the looming holiday.
- Stalls in town will again buy Cricket Teams for 23 silver each. Nope, nevermind - stalls hate Cricket Teams.
- Added Deer Trophy and Bear Trophy under Crafting > Decoratives. These can be sold on the stalls in town for silver or used to decorate your home!
- Added rare alternatives to Deer, Beaver, and Bearskin capes when crafting.
- By popular demand, added Nailbox - a box for your nails! Holds 100 nails, sold by the mining NPC for 400 silver
- Added a new craftable wallpaper: Making Tracks
- Wrecked giant gametrails. The idea behind this is that hunting, especially as more content is added, should not be so prominently available within the confines of a base. Rather than nerf gametrail spawning, I'd like to eventually increase the variety of creatures likely to spawn on them. Gametrails, as such, also should no longer spread when adjacent to dirt.
- Current owners of giant trails to receive a tip of the hat for the creation or acquisition of the biome abomination.
- Removed lassos. It was fun while it lasted. And by fun I mean bad.
- Removed the ability to salvage town bells.
- Defensive towers crit 33% as often.
- Torchpost damage reduced by 50%.
- I will continue to tweak raiding as needed through testing and feedback. These first changes are the gentlest adjustments. Further adjustments will be made.
- Curious Potatoes now spawn much more often and can be split into chunks, if that's what you're in to. They also retain Aether.
- NPC captain typo fix
- Typo in foods made from rabbit.
- Humble Meat Pie now correctly remembers the meat cut used to make it and provides proper restores.
- Meat Shreds made from Squirrel and Cougar cuts now remember the animal from whence they came.
- Removed mention of swamps from "Hiking" skill pagina - but may readd if I want to make swamps difficult terrain. Fun idea :) Probably need bigger swamps though.
- Added border to Really Lucky skill icon
- Those Rarified Thornbush Flowers and Frost Flowers can now be added to the Flower Sack
- Made Cow, Goat, Pig, Sheep, and Carver Manure count as Any Poop.
- Players can no longer salvage dried board piles.
October 29, 2021 - Undertaking Stock
- Increased drop rate of black sand.
- Sifting is now an automatic process. Just do it.
- Stones can now be added into Stockbins.
- Sand can now be added into Stockbins.
- New Pack in the Cash Shop - Undertaker Pack. Snazzy look and a shovel that packs a punch.
- Increased rubble weight.
- Adjusted limit of P-Claims to stock a maximum of 2 months worth of silver. (Currently if you had more than 2 months' worth inside your pclaim prior to this patch, it will hold this amount without allowing for any extra to be added until within the new threshhold. I intend to deal with this overage as soon as I can to balance the current playing field, but for the time being, I wanted to cap it before any more could be added while I continue to dabble. Further adjustments are in the works.)
- Removed LL buff from being added to P-Claims and V-Claims. (I'll find a new purpose for LL, one that ideally doesn't so negatively impact the silver economy and game balance. I'm also open to adding it back in a diminished capacity. It is on the docket to be better hashed out.)
- Crops SHOULD now always graphically update when their speed is fertilized through the roof WITHOUT you needing to add that one extra piece of fertilizer.
October 9, 2021 - Return and Reformation
- Added new Inspirational: Rough Stone
- Added skills from Concord (Vineyards and Vintner)
- Added the ability to have grapes grow from planted honeysuckle kudzu (takes about 2 days)
- Added the ability to plant grapes onto makeshift fence corner posts
- Grapes grow after 20 hours(ish)
- Vines spread after 32 hours(ish)
- Added Concord rewards (apron, mask, flag, quill, pocketwatch, fish, and whip). They behave identically to their Popham counterparts
- Obsidian Arrowheads are now an inspirational
- Added a new Pumpkin Food: Soul cakes. They take a while to bake and have questionable ingredients, but surely someone has a taste for them!(?)
- Removed insanity hit given from digging up a Trace of the Lost Colony
- Added a rare chance to uncover obsidian while digging
- Added new Necklace: Stalker Charm
- Added new craftable Hat: Kartuz
- Added three new craftable Flags: Bunny Flag, Deer Flag, and Bear Flag
- Added a new Creature: Glowworms! Catch them with butterfly nets and the butterfly catching skill. Some are rarer than others, try to catch them all :) They glow in the dark!
- Added a new Cape: Glowworm Cape (it glows in the dark!)
- A better developer than I added a new fish inspirational full of hot air. Go find it.
- Added a new Fishing Lure: Googly Glower
- Readded Perennial Philosophy to all of the things (and went cross-eyed while doing it...)
- Added a new Wallpaper: Bugging out
- Added a drop res to honey and royal jelly
* Special Hallowe'en Event *
- Mr. Bones has come a'callin! Find him in town for a treat (or a trick). Don't wait too long; he'll be gone come All Hallows Eve.
- Nerf'd Fruit Food Group
- Nerf'd Jalapenos, Curious Grapes, and Franklin Bars and their relation to fruit foods
- Nerf'd some other Foods - Garlic Rabbit, Garlic Stuffed Mushroom, Froghetti, Autumn Delight
- Removed glass panes and bottles from town vendor stalls
- Obsidian Slabs only drop 60 obsidian (down from 150)
- Obsidian Arrowheads are more rarely obtained when chiseling obsidian
- Adjusted weight of honeycomb to match output weight of honey and beeswax.
- Adjusted weight of sweet jerky to match lowest sum of input components.
- Adjusted weight of golden brick of biddas to match golden egg.
- Fixed Yellow Corn Oil icon to properly display itself as being Yellow Corn Oil in recipes.
- After 3 years, the town violin man will stop playing Christmas music. You're welcome.
- Fixed bug that allowed you to log off and use Popham Pocketwatch over and over (Concord Pocketwatch should work properly)
- Players can now add cabbages to turkey coops regardless of the qty of leaves (which are definitely a liquid) the cabbage may contain.
- Fixed typos (listed for posterity and updating the wiki):
-Cheese Making skill
-Disease Immunity buff
-French Tickler skill
-Fungiculture skill
-Milk Drinker buff
-Monster Hunting skill
-Storm Hat icon
-Theology skill
-Tobacco Planting skill
-Trial By Combat build description
-Viscera & Bits
-Nesting Doll flavor text
-Painted Feathers flavor text
-Whetstone flavor text
- Added flavor text (listed for the reasons above):
-Deer Antlers
-Ingot Mold
-Lava Rock
-Leader's Lockect
-Loyallist's Locket
-Obsidian Fragments
-Laced Porcupine Spines
-Royal Jelly
-Bits of Masonhood
-Sourdough Starter
- Adjusted icons because I hate the white boundary:
- Obsidian Arrowhead